So, I'm supposed to be participating in NaNoWriMo this year, but I've got about 800 words and about 24 days left to reach 50,000 words. This feels a bit ominous. I might head out to Barnes and Noble this weekend to see if I can't make some progress. I really wanted to complete Nano this year, but I'm feeling... okay, I need to start thinking positively. Maybe I'll start my plan of writing at 9pm for an hour or so... but probably not.
Anyway, I'm not sure when this particular writing blog turned into a health/weight loss blog, but there you go. Shifting priorities, I suppose.
Now that I've taken on more responsibility at work, I think I'm going to have to shift my workout schedule to mornings. I really don't like working out in the morning, but maybe I can get used to it. I think it's time to make a change because I find myself working an extra hour at work each night and by the time I leave it's dark (thanks day light savings!) and my mind automatically thinks "whoa, it's nine PM, no time to work out." Of course this is not accurate, but it feels accurate. So, if I go in the morning and get it over with it'll be fine for me to just head right home after work. I think I'll start this next week. .............or this week. I should probably start tomorrow. Or next week.
Have you thought about going to work early? I've been heading in 30-40 minutes earlier so I can leave on time or at the most only stay back half an hour and it's been a fairly decent balance for me.
You can always be a nano-rebel, so basically work on a project that you've already started but just add 50K to that so if the current story you're working on isn't holding you, do a switch and see if you can do catch up that way since you're not that deep into the word count.
I know what you mean though about nano, I'm about 800 words in as well and I'm planning to either move forward by this weekend or do a major scrap and start another project and hope that works better for me.
I don't know if this will help but it might be interesting:
The problem is that I just haven't been leaving work on time. I arrive at 8 most days and should leave at 4, but end up leaving around 5 or later. Normal working hours are 9:30 to 5:30, so it makes more sense to workout in the morning and just get in later. Or I should take my lunch break and write then, but I usually work and eat.
I like the rebelling idea for Nano. :) But that could just be my laziness. I really wanted to have two novel drafts done... maybe that's too ambitious. In a way, I'm already rebelling because I already wrote 3000 words to the novel for Nano.
I found the link really interesting. I'd love to write 10K words at each session. I think I could do that if I had 5-6 hours a day to write. I could do so much with that time! :)
Here's to a more productive Nano writing sessions (for both of us)!
Yeah, I think there's an actual board in the forums for rebels if you want to check it out, though be warned you can waste a lot of time there. But then again there are word wars which can be fun and forces you to just write for the time period whether it's five minutes or half an hour.
This isn't going to help with the writing but might be interesting to you for editing/plotting. I just don't want to forget about it.
Good luck with the writing to you as well! Hopefully we'll get out of our nano slumps.
This whiteboard idea is really cool! How did you hear about it?
Tumblr, someone reblogged it and it caught my attention.
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